Use of IFTA NBS alone and in combination with zinc oxide to replace carbadox in diets for weaned pigs

IFTA USA Inc presented a study with IFTA NBS at a past edition of the Allen D. Leman Swine Conference through a scientific poster, showcasing results that remain relevant to the swine sector.

The poster, titled ‘Use of IFTA NBS in Combination with Zinc Oxide in Diets for Weaned Piglets,’ generated significant interest within the local industry in the USA.

The trial evaluated IFTA NBS, a natural product based on intestinal conditioning pronutrients, combined with zinc oxide to replace carbadox. The goal was to improve productive parameters, prevent post-weaning dysentery, and reduce the use of antibiotics.

The study included 900 weaned piglets over a 63-day period, starting at 21 days of age. Three treatments were compared: IFTA NBS alone, IFTA NBS combined with zinc oxide, and carbadox.

The results showed that all treatments achieved similar outcomes during the transition phase. Notably, the groups with IFTA NBS, both alone and combined with zinc oxide, exhibited a better feed conversion ratio (FCR). This improvement was particularly significant with the exclusive use of IFTA NBS.

In the fattening phase, the weights achieved were comparable across all groups. However, the batch fed solely with IFTA NBS demonstrated a significantly better FCR, indicating a positive long-term effect.

The study highlights the potential of IFTA NBS in the nutrition of weaned piglets, demonstrating its compatibility with zinc oxide without causing negative interactions. Additionally, its application opens new opportunities in markets seeking innovative and natural alternatives for swine production.