World Egg Day 2024

Today is World Egg Day, a universal food found in kitchens of all cultures and continents. Egg consumption in our diet is important because:

  • It is rich in nutrients
  • It provides vitamins, minerals and high-quality proteins
  • It is versatile in the kitchen

In addition, egg production requires few resources compared to other animal production systems. So that, in 2022, the largest egg-producing country produced almost 500 billion eggs and global egg consumption was 161 eggs per person per year.

The nutrition of layers is essential for them to produce quality eggs, with a high nutritional value and without shell abnormalities. This is why the calcium intake in the diet must be sufficient and adequate. Firstly, so that layers have enough calcium to produce eggs with good quality shells, minimising as much as possible the calcium intake from bones. Secondly, because a good supply of calcium in the diet delays the production curve, so that at the end of the production cycle more eggs are produced and the economic performance of the activity increases.

In short, the addition of calcium to the diets of layers is essential for good egg production.

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